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We know that at some time in each person's life, they wish that they could start all over again, because of pangs of guilt over mistakes made.

We also know that life's experiences can build, or crush a person. 

New Zealand's high levels of depression, and suicide rate demonstrate how many people are feeling defeated.  The nation's increasing rate of violent crime, and decreasing ages of criminals, show us how many people need correction, and clear direction on the difference between right and wrong behaviour.  Victims left behind the crimes need healing.

The NO-EXCUSES training contributes to the restoration of shattered lives of offenders and victims.  As people move through the 50-point programme, they receive healing and peace.  Justice is delivered through the instruction of clear-cut rules of what is right and wrong behaviour.  Peace will return to individuals, families, communities and nations of the world as the restoration, justice and healing process takes place.

The NO-EXCUSES programme was developed over a ten-year period, from grass-roots interviewing with youth, parents, social workers, police, kaumatua, kuia, judges, youth-workers, teachers, health-workers, gangs and victims, then organised by a woman who devoted Master of Business (MBA) studies to developing a Model of Service Provision for New Zealand Youth and Their Families. © 1997

The 50-point model was tested by ten experts working in the field, representing voices from Justice, Education, Health, Social Welfare, Police and Victims.  Forty-eight of the 50 points suggested were agreed upon for immediate implementation. 

The NO EXCUSES programme is now available for public use.

Training is now available to distribute the programme nationally, to our schools, communities, and correctional facilities.



Vandalism and terrorism differ only in scale.

We teach how to make, instead of  break.

We teach how to love, instead of hate.

We teach how to care and share.

    Restoration - Justice - Healing - Peace

    Tira Ora Estate, Pelorus Sound
    Private Bag 65013, Havelock 7150
    New Zealand
    Phone: 03 579 8117